Thursday, November 29, 2012

                Was Education in the 1600's was different than our modern day school system. Was it harder? Easier? Was there Recess? If so how long? Let’s take a look inside a life of a student in London England In 1600’s. I personally think it was way harder than ours today. I think school modern day is hard enough as it is, I can’t imagine being in school in the 1600's.

School days


In London England 1600's the school days were quite different than the ones today in 2012. The schools were dull and lifeless. The school day starts at 6:00am in the summer and 7:00am in the winter. The students had 15 minute breaks for breakfast and lunch. School ended at 5:00pm so they worked 0-11 hours 5 days a week! I couldn't stand that for a school day. They only had tiny 3-4 day holidays. Life must've sucked.


           Teachers beat the students with a wooden birch rod if they handed in messy or bad work. There were people called parity priests who taught spelling and reading. There were grammar schools also. There were different subjects that the students could take


Students Life                                  

Their school life was hard. They worked 55 hours a week! Older students had the chance to pick a course they liked. The students at lunch and breakfast in school were fed poorly. As a writing material they used goose quills which splodged ink everywhere and they were a pain to handle.

What eductaion Was Like in England 1600's


Yes Education in the 1600’s was different than our modern day school system. It was harder not easier. There was no Recess. I was correct about it being harder. Teachers beat their  students with a wooden rod if they handed in bad work! They worked 50-55 Hours a week! Life was crazy hard as a student back then.
School in 1600 England.